In this limited DVD set, you will learn his winning guard passes, guard techniques, effective sweeps, and devastating submissions. No other fighter in the history of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has been more dominating in worldwide competitions.
Included in this special DVD set are over 2 hours of his fights from the Mundial 2002, Mundial 2003, Mundial 2004, Brasilian Nationals 2004, and Pan-American 2004.
Watch as he defeats the top grapplers in the world such as Marcelo Garcia, Roger Gracie, Braulio Estima, and many more.
Availability: Ships within 48 hours
Length: Approx. 4 hours
Format: DVD”
Below is my quick write up each section on the DVD:
First Section: Takedowns:
- Setting up the hip throw. Opponent counters put placing a hand on the mat and then you counter by taking his back.
- Ankle Pick – Very interesting take down. I’ve seen Jacare pull this off several times in competition. It’s almost like a fake hip throw to ankle pick.
- His stance for double leg and the counter to your opponent’s double let attempt.
- Ankle Pick variation – other nice takedown. This involves your opponent grabbing your lapel first. Then you trap his arm and kick his ankle towards you and then take it for the takedown.
- Morote Seoinage throw – I’ve also seen Jacare pull this off in competition a few time. You use both hand on his lapel and pull him towards you hard three times before performing the throw.
- Counter to the single leg takedown ending in side mount.
- Counter to when your opponent sprawls during your double leg attack to taking his back.
- The Fireman throw – I learn this technique I long time ago, I find it really hard to pull of in a live situation, but Jacare has some interesting detail that I will try.
- Variation of the Fireman throw – this cover the counter that your opponent places both hands on the mat to avoid the take down.
- Foot on hip throw – pretty interesting throw.
Second Section: Guard Passing
- Passing the butterfly guard – simple pass when your opponent only has one hook in.
- Passing the butterfly guard 2 – he shows a couple of variation of this pass, but it deals with an opponent who has both hooks in. I’ve been using this pass as my bread and butter pass against the butterfly guard.
- Passing the butterfly guard 3 – more variation of the last pass
- Passing the spider guard – interesting pass that involves kicking your opponents hand so he lets the grip go.
- Opening the Closed Guard – It’s a standing pass and he goes into great detail on where you should be griping your opponent.
- Variation of the last pass – uses the same grip and motion as the last pass, but the actual pass is different. He hopes over with both legs.
- Knee in the middle to Omoplata – passing someone in sitting guard, who then reacts by trying to get a single leg and you roll to the Omoplata.
- Other pass for the sitting guard – He does this pass from the knees.
- Passing the Half Guard – hands in your opponent’s armpit and push him back while you sprawl your legs back to open his legs. Then pass to side mount.
- Passing the Open Guard – placing one of your hands under one of his legs and then grab the pant leg of the other leg to isolate one side for the pass and hope over the other side.
Third Section: Sweeps
- Sweep from Closed Guard – a variation of the flower sweep.
- Arm Drag Sweep – from the butterfly guard you arm drag your opponent then roll over your shoulder to get the sweep.
- Sweep from Sit-up guard – very affective sweep, use your foot to block his leg and your sleeve grip to isolate that side.
- Sweep from turtle – Your opponent is in turtle position. You grab his knee and roll underneath him to get to side control.
- Sweep from turtle 2 – One hand is on your opponents back then you place your leg on his head rolling him over this head for the sweep.
- Sweep from the Butterfly 2 – Using your butterfly hook and then hooking the leg with your arm you can sweep your opponent ending in side mount.
- Sweep from butterfly guard 3 – Fake the hook sweep and then slide your opposite leg under your hook and roll with your opponent’s arm forcing him to roll and you end in side mount. Very interesting sweep.
- Variation of sweep from butterfly guard 3 – You opponent defends that last sweep by moving and mounting you. You grab his ankle, then bridge and roll over your shoulder (same shoulder as the ankle you grab) to finish the sweep ending in side mount.
- Sweep form Closed Guard 2 – you opponent is standing, you reach to grab one of his ankles, roll over you shoulder forcing your opponent to fall back ending in side mount.
- Sweep from the Sit-up Guard 2 – Having wrist control and using that same hand to trap the leg, you place it between your legs (half-guard) and roll (I’ve done this sweep from half guard).
- Sweep from Spider Guard – Both feet are on his hips, your opponent is standing. You have cross grip on his wrist; your other hand grabs the same side ankle. You have a foot across his waist and the other behind his other ankle sweeping him to his back.
- Sweep from the Sit-up Guard 3 – going under you opponent’s leg to grip his sleeve. Kick the opposite leg out and sweep in that direction.
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